4 Best SEO Tools 2019 in high Traffic Dally 1k+ $100
1) .SEMrush
SEMrush is also one of my favorite tools that helps track your competitors along with keyword research. However, its free version comes with very limited features and premium version starts at $ 99.95 / month.
2) .Ubersuggest
Developed by Neilpatel, there is a great tool for keywords research.
It is very easy to use. Simply enter your keywords, it gives you a great overview about CPC, search volume, etc.
3) .Soovle
Another great tool for keyword research. It's also a very popular tool that helps find keywords.
3) .LinkMiner
LinkMiner checks Broken links for any web page. It displays valid URLs in Green and broken links in red.
You can export your Analyzing data in CSV with one click.