Hello friends, All of you must know that Blog is the Best Medium to Earning Online because you can place ads on Blog and Affiliate Marketing can do it. With this, if you have a website that you want to promote on the Internet then Blog can be very beneficial for you.
Blogging is a very good medium for building your identity on the Internet and earning money on the Internet today millions of people do their online earning by creating your own blog on the internet. "How to Create a Blog on Blogger"
How to Create a Blog for Free and Make Money
01- Blog Topic- To create a Blog, you need a Topic so that you can publish articles on your topic and publish it on your blog. If you have a good topic then this is a great thing, but if you have not done any Topics yet, you can read our article Best Topics For Blogging or YouTube.
In this article we have told about some very popular Topics, then once you see that article and Decide a Best Topic for your Blog.
02- Gmail Account- To create a blog on Blogger, you need to have a Gmail account from which you will be able to create your Blogger blog and after creating your blog, your Gmail login id and password will become your Blogger's Login Id and Password.
03- Custom Domain- Just like we told you now that if you want your Blogger Blog to be ranked on the Internet, then you need a Custom Domain. You can also buy from GoDaddy or Bigrock between Rs 130 and Rs. 150.
04- Responsive Template-Blogger offers you Free Template but if Template is very old model then you need a Responsive Template for your blog. You can also download Responsive Templates on Internet.
05- Social Media Accounts- When you create a blog, information about that blog is only for you, so you need to know more and more people in your blog and visit your blog, which will add traffic to your blog too. it happens.